
Souper Foods

There’s nothing better than a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter day. To help keep you nourished through the rest of winter, we’ve put together some our favorite veggie-centric soup recipes....

National Blueberry Month

It’s July! The month of Independence Day, summer sun, and… blueberries? Yes, July is National Blueberry Month! And we at Southern Specialties are big fans of celebrating this delicious berry. They are not only delicious, but also packed with nutrients. Blueberries are even known as a superfood for...

The Power of Plants

Plants, plants, plants! They are filled with so much goodness and have finally hit the spotlight within the past few years. We’re not talking about your cute, decorative house plants, but the kinds you should enjoy on a daily basis. Did you know there are several categories of...

February is American <3 Month!

Did you know that the human heart beats around 100,000 times a day and pumps 1.5 gallons per minute?  February is American Heart Month, so what better time to pump up awareness of our body’s engine, set heart healthy goals, and start anew?! January is often the month we...

New Year’s Resolution: Eat More ______ !?

Across the world, in all food cultures, one thing is certain: fruits and vegetables are enjoyed for their flavor and nutrition. It is increasingly evident that these powerful plants are the key to obtaining a variety of essential nutrients for optimal health. Southern Selects is proud to offer...

Innovative Back-to-School Projects

Whether you are an adult, teenager, or child, going back to school is nerve-racking! Don’t get me wrong, it’s an incredibly exciting time, to learn and meet new friends and colleagues, but these can be stressful times as well. The good news is that creative noggins and Pinterest articles...

National Nutrition Month

Besides being decked out in green for St. Patrick’s Day and bringing in the spring season, March is designated as National Nutrition Month! What does that mean? The power of informed food choices, formation of healthy eating habits and physical activity are highlighted during this nutrition education campaign....

Creating Healthy Habits During Lent

Are you giving something up for Lent? The Christian holiday is coming up soon- March 1st, and it’s time for those participating to decide what it is they will live without for the forty days leading up to Easter. While many followers give up anything from social media...

Hummus and Rainbow Baby Carrots

Healthy Snacking

The middle aisles of grocery stores may be appealing destinations for buying your typical sweet and salty snacks, but consider perusing the produce section for delicious, healthful snacks. You may be thinking “Yes, I bring a banana, apple, or orange to work for a snack and for the...

Halloween Hummus with Carrots

Halloween Fruits & Veggies

With all of those Halloween sweets, you’re going to want to balance out your party snacks with something healthy. But, how do you incorporate healthy foods on Halloween in a fun, festive way? We’re here for you with some healthy Halloween inspiration! Rainbow carrots are a great option for...