Fresh Ideas

Eat Well, Travel Right

Planning your summer vacation? Eating healthy, while traveling with your family, can be both difficult and expensive. We, at Southern Specialties, want you to enjoy healthy habits while saving some bucks during your travels this year!   For plane or train rides: Sick of the same old peanuts? Grab some...

Kitchen Inspiration

At Southern Selects spending quality time in the kitchen inspires us to use our fresh, delicious ingredients to create healthy meals. Quality ingredients are key to making delicious food, and a clean, organized kitchen helps inspire us to cook. Feel like your kitchen isn’t quite bringing out your...

Amazing Asparagus

From its health benefits to its fascinating cultivation, Asparagus has a lot going for it. You already know it’s delicious, now check out this collection of fun facts and other info we’ve put together to learn more. Fun Facts! Emperor Caesar Augustus was a big fan; he even devoted...

New Year’s Resolution: Eat More ______ !?

Across the world, in all food cultures, one thing is certain: fruits and vegetables are enjoyed for their flavor and nutrition. It is increasingly evident that these powerful plants are the key to obtaining a variety of essential nutrients for optimal health. Southern Selects is proud to offer...

Fall Flavors

What do you love most about fall? Is it the colorful, rustling leaves? The crisp air? The fresh apple cider? Or, like us, do you get most excited about the delicious fall food? Nothing says fall like cooking up your own bountiful harvest of veggies with warm spices...

Innovative Back-to-School Projects

Whether you are an adult, teenager, or child, going back to school is nerve-racking! Don’t get me wrong, it’s an incredibly exciting time, to learn and meet new friends and colleagues, but these can be stressful times as well. The good news is that creative noggins and Pinterest articles...

Picnic Perfect

Tis' the season—picnic season! It’s that time of year when you just have to get outdoors to enjoy the sunshine every chance you get, so of course picnicking is on your summer bucket list. Going for a picnic can be simple if you are prepared and have some...

Fresh & BOWLD Summer Flavors

Summer season has officially started! Trying to get ahead of trends is not the easiest task, so we did the work for you. We decided to stick to what we know, fruits and veggies, of course. Certainly, these picks will quench your cravings for the cool, the colorful,...

Tackling Food Waste at Home

We can all make a difference by eliminating food waste in our homes. In doing so, we can be one step closer to living in a more sustainable world. The inefficiencies of today’s food systems may be out of the average consumer’s reach,  but we all have the...

Southern Selects Grilled Avocado Stuffed with Mediterranean Couscous Recipe

Grilling 101: Fruits & Veggies

It’s finally that time of year when the sun, buns, and grill are out! There are a handful of holidays coming up that are centered around the grill, so we want to prepare you with the ultimate grilling hacks. Fruits and vegetables are particularly great for grilling as it...