What’s Cookin’ this Christmas?
It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! And what’s most wonderful about the holidays? The food, of course! We have gathered some beautiful and delicious menu inspirations for Christmas celebrations with family and friends. Here are some of our favorite ideas to get you in the Christmas (and cooking) spirit!
We love to greet guests with a beautiful appetizer to get the party started. Baked brie is a crowd favorite every time. Make it extra festive and beautiful with a berry compote topping and spiced pecans.
Now, onto the main stars… the sides! Delicious sides can be what make a meal memorable. So, don’t neglect these important dishes. Here are a couple ideas for you.
Anything glazed is going to be delicious. So why not include these maple glazed roasted carrots in your Christmas feast? They are a little sweet and tangy, and their gorgeous colors will make your table look incredible.
Holidays are a time to indulge in decadent foods, and these asparagus bundles are perfect to fill that role. Wrapped in puff pastry with pancetta and parmesan, they’re sure to have your guests feeling spoiled. Don’t worry, even though they look fancy, it’s incredibly easy to pull these off (shhh… don’t tell anyone).
Now back to some berries for dessert! This might be the best Christmas dessert. It’s Pavlova, and while it looks like it came from a five star restaurant, it’s surprisingly simple to make at home. All you have to do to fit the holiday theme is make it in the shape of a circle, then add your favorite berries on top to create a wreath, and ta-da! There’s your grand finale for your Christmas meal!